
'Tickets are selling out fast'

''There aren't many things in life more nauseating than reading this statement repeated in multiple messages, and they include watching your parents try bondage and getting herpes from a clown. Some foolish promoter will have grossly over estimated his or her own popularity, and is prepared to lie shamelessly to shift extra tickets. In other words, this last ditch attempt to take your money is not only insincere, but also insulting, because it assumes you are such a pathetic person that you will feel the urge to buy some tickets to a shit event, simple because there aren't many left.''

This couldn't have been said in a better manner. 

 If I wanted to come to your fucking event that you have suddenly become affiliated to as to receive a small irrelevant amount of monetary value, I would have bought a ticket already.

Quote Taken From LIBERTINE

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